Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year at Elgin Street P.S.

Welcome back to the Eagle’s Nest! Ms. Marchand and I would like to welcome all of you to the 2024-2025 school year! Catharine Marchand is our Vice Principal and I am T Scott, the Principal at Elgin Street Public School.  We are truly excited to be in this wonderful community and we are looking forward to meeting our students and their families.

We have had a great start to our school year because our enrollment has remained pretty consistent. This has allowed staff to focus on getting their classrooms and programs set up and ready for all the returning students. 

A reminder to parents that September 3, 2023 is a PD Day and there will be NO SCHOOL.

Unfortunately, there have been some technical difficulties with Elgin Street’s School Day. Students have become unlinked to their parents account. Consequently, you will not be able to determine your child’s class placement on School Day. We will have this information for you and your child on Wednesday September 4, 2024. 

We understand that this is disappointing to hear however these things happen from time to time when dealing with online platforms. Please DO NOT call the school to obtain class placement information before arriving on the first day of school. This technical difficulty is affecting approximately 430 students and therefore we ask for your patience and understanding for you to wait until you arrive the morning of September 4, 2024 to find out your child’s class placement. 

School Day staff are working on correcting this issue. Once we get the go ahead from School Day, we will be emailing parents with a Secure-match Key, to securely link students to parent accounts. 

Supervision begins at 9:05 am. Our staff will greet students in the school yard to begin our new school year. All school staff will be wearing bright yellow vests so they are easily identifiable. 

To help make the process easier for all involved, we have class signs to help facilitate families’ ease in finding their child’s grade level. All staff will have lists to help direct families to the correct teacher and class. However, it will be a quicker process if you go to a teacher of your child’s grade level to inquire which class they are in. Please use the information below to determine where your child’s grade level is meeting on our school yard.

KINDERGARTEN CLASSES – Please meet in the Kindergarten area at the side of the school. Staff and students are permitted inside the Kindergarten area. Parents are welcome to wait outside the fenced area on the grass, to keep the walkway clear.

PRIMARY CLASSES –  Please meet in the following locations: 

  • 1A, 1B, 1/2A – on the tarmac at the back of the school
  • 2A – on the tarmac by the basketball nets
  • 2/3A, 3A – on the baseball field

JUNIOR ENGLISH – Please meet in the following locations:

  • 3/4A – on the tarmac area in front of Portable 1 (the portable on the left when looking at the portables at the back of the school) 
  • 4A and 5/6A – on the tarmac by the basketball nets
  • 5A – on the tarmac in front of portable 3 by our parking lot

ALL FI CLASSES – Please meet in the following locations:

  • 2B-FI – on the baseball field 
  • 3B-FI – at the side doors, on the sidewalk, by the parking lot
  • 3/4B-FI, 5/6C-FI – In front of the two portables located at the back of our school

ACE STUDENTS – Please meet in the fenced area by your classroom, near the staff parking lot. 

STUDENTS IN THE YMCA PROGRAMS – YMCA staff will bring them to their classroom teachers outside.

BUS STUDENTS – Our school staff will meet these students at the bus and bring them to their classroom teachers outside.

All non-classroom staff (teachers, EAs, admin, etc) will be outside to help direct families to the correct classes. 

 We are very excited to begin the new school year and we look forward to seeing all of our Elgin Street Eagles on September 4th!


 Mrs. T Scott, Principal  and Ms. Marchand, Vice Principal