BEFORE SCHOOL: Our school day begins at 9:20AM. The school provides supervision from 9:05-9:20 every morning. Please make sure that you are able to stay with your child until that supervision begins, should you choose to arrive prior to that time. If you are late, please come to the front doors.
INCLEMENT WEATHER: Students will be brought inside if it is lightening or extremely cold. Please dress for the weather.
NUTRITION BREAKS: Primary students will go out for recess for the first 20 minutes and then come in to eat for the second 20 minutes. Junior students will eat for the first 20 minutes and then go out for recess. We practice Boomerang Lunches at our school, meaning that students will bring their garbage back home to dispose of.
ALLERGY REMINDERS: Our school is a fragrant sensitive environment. Please refrain from wearing any perfumed products in the school. Please do not send any products that contain peanuts/tree nuts or could contain peanuts/tree nuts.
AFTER SCHOOL: Our school day ends at 3:40PM.
PLEASE NOTE: There are NO DOGS and NO VEHICLES allowed on our school property.