Academic Programs

Literacy and Numeracy are an important focus of everything we do at Elgin Street Public School. In both the primary and junior divisions the daily learning agenda, with teacher and parent support, helps to promote the important partnership of parents and teachers together. Teachers have enthusiastically adopted and implemented Ministry initiatives as they pertain to the Ontario Curriculum.

Special Education Programs

Special Education plays an important role at Elgin Street. The role of our special education teachers and our educational assistants benefits everyone as we believe that all students can learn. Board and site services are provided both within the class and on a withdrawal basis as best fits the specific needs of a student.  Elgin Street also hosts an area class devoted to the education and care of children with specific physical and learning challenges.

English as a Second Language Program

Elgin Street has an itinerant MLL (Multi Language Learner) teacher who works with students whose primary language is one other than English. Our students’ first languages include: Croatian, Spanish, Portuguese, Urdu, Romanian, Vietnamese, Arabic, and Chinese.

Measures of Student Achievement and Success

For information on student achievement goals and results, please access the Education Quality and Assessment Office website: